Thursday, August 21, 2008

What a beautiful day for a baling!

On Wednesday, August 20th we had a bale raising - that is we started building the straw walls of the house. What a fun experience!

Thank you to Tina and the crew (Travis and Mike) at Camel's Back Construction (, for teaching us and assisting in the process.

A great big thank you to my colleagues (Allan, Manju, Hugh, Mark, Boris, and Kamal) who volunteered their time to come out and help. They did a fabulous job and it was hard to convince them to stop at the end of the day. Their work will become a legacy in the house.

Also, thanks to all of the crew from Havencraft that also assisted in the process, and have done a fabulous job with the house construction.

It was a great day, and thank goodness for all of the sunshine!

Take a look at some of the photos from the day....

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