Monday, November 24, 2008


Look at this innocent looking drilled well. It stands there solitary, like it doesn't have a care in the world. It turns out that this little guy (actually not so little, he's 192' tall), contains methane. It's funny how that little word can get you a whole lot of attention!

A couple phone calls, and our well site turned into a CSI investigation. The Fire Department, The Ministry of the Environment and a Government Geo-Scientist all came to pay a visit to our little well.

They extracted some very delicious and refreshing looking water, which they will be taking back to their labs to examine further. Would you like a taste?

Stay tuned - we await the findings from Gil Grissom, Horatio Caine, and friends to tell us how much methane is contained in our little water samples. Next, we get to invite an engineer to come and tell us how to properly deal with the methane found within our water.

One possibility is that an aeration tank needs to be installed to try to separate the gas from the water before it is pumped into the house. All I can hear is more well delays.....

The GOOD NEWS is that plastering has started inside the house, and about 1/2 of the upper floor is done. It looks truly amazing! The rounded walls around the window make the wait worthwhile!

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