Sunday, November 16, 2008

Plaster at Last!

The well continues to be a far distant dream, but we have started the plastering by using a water tank instead. The cold weather makes it more difficult to plaster so it is great news that the plastering has started now before we have to contend with snow as well (which could be any day now). Here is a photo of John Crowe, the well driller, hard at work. Unfortunately he is finding more sand and clay than water.

There is an 1100 gallon water tank that is being used, which needs to be filled on a daily basis. It takes a lot of water for the plastering job!

In addition to water, sand and cement are used. You can see the big pile of sand.

The great news is... the Exterior plastering is done and it looks amazing!! I have added some pictures here but it really doesn't do justice to how fantastic it looks. It's hard to get a good photo with all of the scaffolding that is still there.

Next week - plastering inside the house!

Here are some photos of JP from Generation Solar ( who came to do a site assessment to help us situate our Solar panels.

And here is a photo of the pipes that have been laid for the Geo Thermal system. (5 loops, each 300 feet long).

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